Fear is not a problem. It's all Love.

Let's timeline surf together.

Everything is Love. We're going to be fine.

“Be certain in the religion of Love there are no believers or unbelievers. Love embraces all.” – Rumi

Thanks so much for reading this. In this email:

  1. Is there a battle of light vs. dark?
  2. Feeling fear is not a problem.
  3. Join me for a meditation to elevate to the most loving Earth timeline.
  4. Vote if you want Hold The Light or something else. Thanks!

Some People Didn't Like My Last Email

Ooooooh! We're getting into the good stuff in these emails now.

I love every response I get to these emails, and every person that sends them.

Even if they don't like what I write.

After my last email, I got a couple replies from people thinking that I was perpetuating fear and doomsday scenarios and participating in some kind of battle of light versus dark.

I'm not.

I don't believe in that. AT ALL.

Some other people might. Some might choose to see that or experience life that way. That's their choice.

But from the highest vantage point I have ever reached: Everything is actually love.

As one of my teachers says, unconditional love is what we call it when we feel the core vibration of the universe.

Life is pure love underneath. Even when it's really difficult to see that.

There is a way, however, to see everything as the loving universe unfolding in it's infinite forms to end up creating even more love.

“You have within you more love than you could ever understand.” – Rumi

Everything that's happening is for humanity's expansion.

Everything that's happening is for us to reach more into the light of who we really are.

If there are bumps along the road, if any obstacles show up, that's just growing pains.

Of course we might have some growing pains. Personally and collectively. And some might hurt for a minute, or they won't. It's all okay! It's just humanity expanding.

There's nothing to fear. You are an infinite Being of love and light playing the game of Life. You chose to be here at these times to bring more love.

If, however, you feel fear as a human, of course you do! It's totally fine.

Feeling Fear is Not a Problem

There's nothing wrong with fear.

It's a normal human experience. It's your system trying to keep you safe from perceived threats. But it doesn't have to take control of you, dim your light, "lower your vibration", create desperate actions, or keep you from acting.

This is why we learn to work with our fear. So that we aren't run by our fear.

Suppressing fear, avoiding fear, and ignoring fear all keep fear alive. These all keep fear stuck and active in your system. These are all actually forms of fear.

Instead, we learn skills to turn inward and embrace our fear with presence, gentleness, and love, so it returns to love. Then only the feeling of love remains, showing us it was all love to begin with.

You can get to the point where you feel fear and at the same time you know you are absolutely fine. You actually feel love for that fear. It doesn't control what you decide, say, do. It comes up in you, it meets your love, and it releases. This is what Being Light and Love looks like to me. This practice "raises your vibration" no matter what you are feeling.

Bonus, then we can easily be guided by our heart.

We learn to let go and let our hearts lead us, no matter what is going on. Your heart knows what you need to say and do for your great expansion and best life.

Then together we move into the highest vibration reality we can. The one that is the most loving and beautiful version of earth that we all want to see.

There's no battle. There's just learning. The learning for humanity is to be truly in love. That's why we came here at this time.

That starts with loving everything that arises INSIDE OF YOU. Like fear. That's your piece of the puzzle. That's the place you can put more love right now. That's what changes your consciousness and changes the collective.

This is my goal with the Hold The Light group.

We hold the light for whatever rises in us, whatever we experience inside or out. So that difficult emotions heal and dissolve, and the heart steps forward to show the way. We become led by the heart to create a more loving world, together.

“Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart.” – Rumi

Let's Start This Today - Unite Meditation

In this spirit, I want to share with you a global meditation from one of my favorite spiritual teachers. That's happening today, on Sunday.

If you see this in time, 17:00 Central EU time, you can attend with me. If not, you can sign up for future meditations.

It's a global meditation to align ourselves, through love, through connection, with the highest vibration of earth, the highest timeline possible.

I would love for you to join me in this so that we can have an amazing time together on a more loving version of Earth.

Meditation link is here.

Loving you,



Are you interested in a group where we hold The Light together?

Where we learn and practice using our Inner Light to calm ourselves, heal ourselves, find our best decisions and highest actions to move forward?
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Sirius Transformation

There is Unconditional Love and Power inside you. I'll help you unlock it. Learn how to connect with Source, let go of your emotions, and find more freedom, love, and abundance in your life. For the Highest Good of All.

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