Can You Hold The Light?

The light is in your hands.

Can You Hold The Light Reader?

"I saw also that there was an ocean of darkness and death, but an infinite ocean of light and love, which flowed over the ocean of darkness." - George Fox, Founder of The Religious Society of Friends (The Quakers)

Thanks so much for reading this. In this email:

  1. Where do you stand on The Light (Divinity, The Universe, Source, God, whatever)?
  2. When so much of what happens is out of our control, what is left that we can control? What do we do?
  3. A single survey question that I would love you to answer.

Where do you stand on The Light?

You know, the big mysterious thing that we're all apart of?

Do you think about it when you wake up in the morning because you are literally waking up inside it?

Or do you visit those ideas and feelings once in a while in a spiritual service or meditation retreat?

Do you feel and talk and act like The Light is in you? Or that it is separate from you?

Your orientation toward The Light - Source, Divinity, The Universe, God, Unconditional Love, whatever - is going to have a big influence you very soon. If it isn't already.

Because shit is about to get dark.

That's what every spiritual teacher is saying.

We are heading for a massive transition of humanity and society and along the way we are going to hit a few, maybe several, growing pains. Like serious pains. Life WTF that really hurts and I'm scared.

How painful this transition, or any transition is for you, is going to depend on how you can hold The Light.

  • You can't control what's happening in society
  • You can't control what other people do
  • You can't control even most of what happens "to" you.
  • You can't even control how you feel terrible about it!

This last one is a trap many people fall into. Trying to control how you actually feel inside just makes it worse. It's like building pressure in a pressure cooker. You are making your insides "wrong". This is not loving.

This is just as painful as someone trying to control you from the outside. It is against your nature. It will never work for very long. It will explode out in ways you don't want.

So what's left? What can we control?

Let's walk through it with the coming US election as an example! Yay! Let's imagine:

  1. Candidate that I hate gets elected. (Can't control that)
  2. I feel angry, and sad, and injustice and danger and fear. My mind is saying, this is horrible, the next 4 years are going to be terrible. (Can't control this either. This happens immediately below my conscious awareness and just comes up. That's all just a reflex.)
  3. Now it comes time for my response. This is my choice point. This is where my power is. I can either:
    1. Believe everything my emotions and mind are doing is the truth and the only real perspective. I can hold that horrible feeling and thoughts and run with it and speak from that and act from that. What kind of experience do you think that will create for me? More of the exact same crappy experience that I am acting from! What will that do in the world? More of the same!
    2. Or I can realize that my reaction is just a reflex, and means nothing for The Truth, and I can go inside and step back from it. I can lovingly witness it from the more true, higher version of me. A loving version. A light version. I can rest in the light and witness my system freaking out, until it calms down. And then only Light remains! I can hold that beautiful feeling and run with that. What kind of experience do you think that will create for me? More of the same! What kind of experience will that create for the world? More Light!

Does that sound impossible?

I used to think so until I had my first experience of processing an emotion with love. It was anger. Rage really. And I watched it move, shift, dissolve, and disappear.

The situation I was angry about has never made me angry again. It's gone. And now I have more space inside for The Light to inform everything I do. I have done this hundreds of times since. This is possible with every emotion. It works every time.

Darkness dissolves in The Light. Emotions dissolve in Love. They are the same thing.

We all have this healing capacity because Light and Love is our essential nature. It's who we truly are. That also means we all naturally have guidance sitting right inside at all times.

Can you do this for yourself?

Do you have practices in your life where you hold the Light that you are? Every day?

Because we need the reps before shit gets difficult.

Every moment we spend strengthening our ability to sense and hold The Light is like doing a rep at the Divine gym.

It builds inner strength and inner trust and inner knowing and belief in the bigger picture and the more loving world we came here to create. Huzzah!

It also makes your most loving action clear, which will then create more love and what you really want into the world.

My Question For You

This email started with me quoting the founder of the Quakers.

The Quakers fascinate me because they are Christians that rejected the idea of priests and religious texts being the gatekeepers of God, The Light, back in the 1600s. They believe everyone has the Light inside and have been creating processes to help people access it since then.

The most beautiful part is they practice this together. Which becomes so powerful.

Have you ever been to a Quaker meeting? My experience of it was full of presence and peace and support.

That's what we need. That's what's going to get us through the next 6 to 10 years. We need each other, and our Light.

I miss this. Before covid my partner and I ran 3 in-person retreats where a group came together and we held The Light with each other using practices I've gathered from many teachers. It transformed all of us.

After covid I created something called the Higher Self Circle where we met online and held the Light and used it to heal emotions and solve our decisions, businesses, and relationships. It created new results for all of us.

If I were to do something like this again, would you be interested? I would love for you to let me know by clicking below.

Are you interested in a group where we hold The Light together?

Where we learn and practice using our Inner Light to calm ourselves, heal ourselves, find our best decisions and highest actions to move forward?
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Love, David

PS - Here is an event and ways of working that will bring you closer to your ideal loving, empowered, abundant future self. That's my intention:

  1. New Event: Improv For Coaches: Get Better At Handling Tension, Uncertainty, and Surprises In Your Coaching Sessions. Join us for rip-roaring event where you build your ability to coach like a badass through the presence, embodiment, and play of improv. So deep, so fun. Event info here.
  2. EmpowHer Journey - This is for career-driven women who want to stop behaving like the working world is telling them to and start behaving like their true powerful selves. Break the rules. We need more women leaders modeling the new way of loving success. Read more here.
  3. Men on a Mission - It's a men's group for us to own our mission and loving masculine power. Open to your higher guidance, unique value, and ability to create with love. Become the leader of your life, your relationships, and your work. Open to a deeper relationship with Life in service and strength. Read more here.

Thanks for reading. Loving you.

Rybna 716/24, Praha, 11000
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