
Sirius Transformation

There is Unconditional Love and Power inside you. I'll help you unlock it. Learn how to connect with Source, let go of your emotions, and find more freedom, love, and abundance in your life. For the Highest Good of All.

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What Loving Yourself Looks Like, And How It Changes Your Reality

Love yourself, change your world What Loving Yourself Looks Like, And How It Changes Your Reality (Short Version) “You can't offend the Divine One; it's very nature is light, love, compassion, protection, and giving. You can't make it stop loving you. It's just like the sun. You can't make the sun stop shining on you; you can only choose not to look at it. The moment you look, you'll see it's there.” - Michael Singer, Teacher, Entrepreneur, Author of The Untethered Soul (Highly recommend)...

A message I felt called to share with you. What My Guides Said About Surrender, Power, and Control “At some point, there’s no more struggle, just the deep peace that comes from surrendering to a perfection that is beyond your comprehension. Eventually, even the mind stops resisting, and the heart loses the tendency to close. The joy, excitement, and freedom are simply too beautiful to give up. Once you are ready to let go of yourself, life becomes your friend, your teacher, your secret lover....

Free tools for you to use these holidays. 2 Free Meditations. And How To Make 2025 Your Best Year Yet. “The solution is simple. Your main concern needs to be peace. Then there will be a great improvement in health and finances. Rather than trying to find peace by improving your health and finances. The primary aim is peace. The strange thing about peace is you can’t find it in the future.” – Eckhart Tolle Thanks so much for reading this. In this email: The holidays huh? 2 Free meditations for...

Thanks for reading. In this email. The simplest way to find your purpose - video 2-minute written version 8888 Unlimited explanation. Dear Reader, I am writing this at my desk after staring at Metatron's Cube for 5 minutes. That has nothing to do with this email, but it's a fun meditation. If you dare. About Purpose. I once created a video series called 7 Tools for Understanding Your Purpose. I’m going to include this video series in my upcoming 8888 Unlimited program. But right now, I want...

Hello Reader - This prayer is for you. Thanks so much for reading. In this letter: A prayer A hint of the future I am writing this to you having just connected with Source in an automatic writing session and receiving guidance in the form of a prayer. It feels quite vulnerable to say that. I am sensing a tension in my body me about how you will react. That's okay. That's perfect. This tension is showing me what anxiousness I am still holding. That is the whole point of emotions. To reveal...

Thanks so much for reading this. In this email: How to work with Anxiety The Ocean Wave Technique Important note about where Anxiety comes from Have you been feeling Anxiety recently? I have. It started for me a around the Day of the Dead (1 Nov). I received a beautiful message from my ancestors and it triggered in me some type of releasing process. Of course, then came the US Election and all the collective anxiety around that, which pulled my anxiety even more. As synchronicity would have...

Let's timeline surf together. Everything is Love. We're going to be fine. “Be certain in the religion of Love there are no believers or unbelievers. Love embraces all.” – Rumi Thanks so much for reading this. In this email: Is there a battle of light vs. dark? Feeling fear is not a problem. Join me for a meditation to elevate to the most loving Earth timeline. Vote if you want Hold The Light or something else. Thanks! Some People Didn't Like My Last Email Ooooooh! We're getting into the good...

A person holding the light inside

The light is in your hands. Can You Hold The Light Reader? "I saw also that there was an ocean of darkness and death, but an infinite ocean of light and love, which flowed over the ocean of darkness." - George Fox, Founder of The Religious Society of Friends (The Quakers) Thanks so much for reading this. In this email: Where do you stand on The Light (Divinity, The Universe, Source, God, whatever)? When so much of what happens is out of our control, what is left that we can control? What do...

people hunting limiting beliefs

Hunting limiting beliefs in the early 1900s Hello There I am super honored you are reading this and don't take it lightly. We're continuing our discussion here of "anti-productivity". In this article: How to know if you're slaving What to do about it - How to stop slaving One skill for solving all your problems! Guaranteed! 😆 Are You Slaving? I heard an amazing quote about productivity recently: "Measuring your existence by productivity is the mentality of a slave." - R.J. Spina Damn that hit...

Hello Reader Thanks for reading this. In This Email: Productivity Research An Alternative? With a sample. A poll - help me pick a name - I need your vote please Productivity Research I'm writing this to you after researching several profiles on Linkedin with hundreds of thousands of followers. Almost all of them are telling us how to be more productive in some way. They have books called things like, "Ultraproductive". They have newsletters called things like, "Systems Sunday" and "Peak...